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Ways You Can Make A Difference In 2021


This year has been harder for all of us financially, however if charitable deeds are a part of your monthly routine there are many ways you can still help us that don’t require financial commitment or any cost at all! We have provided more than 10,000 emergency food parcels across the district since April 2019 and need your help now more than ever! Below we have curated a list of ways you can make a difference:

1- Shout Loud On Social Media

You can find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and Linkden. A simple share of a post or tagging us in a post will mean all of your friends and family will be introduced to our charity and all it does. A simple share could also help someone who is unaware of our services and struggling, find a way to get food on the table.

2- Donate Directly Through Our Online Shop

We have introduced a collection on our online shop of small donations you can add to your basket that range from £3-£10 so whatever your budget you can still give. All the proceeds go straight to the smooth running of our foodbank, ensuring our clients get the best we can offer them.

3- Donate Food

You can find baskets that are labelled as ‘Foodbank Donations’ at most supermarkets in the Horsham Areas. These are small collection hubs for shoppers to place their donations in without any hassle! If on your weekly shop your budget allows for an extra can of beans or packet of cereal you can place them directly into those baskets and we’ll collect them during the week! You can find our most needed items on our website.

4- Donate Furniture and Homeware

That stack of pans you don’t know what to do with? We’ll take them off your hands! These donations are placed as stock on our Online Shop or Superstore, which when sold allow us to continue our charitable work. Some donations are used to give to our clients who may not have the funds for pans and pots etc. Keep an eye on our website for when the donation centre reopens.

5- Amazon

It’s extremely challenging when we’re not taking donations to make up essential packs of crockery etc for our clients who are struggling. You can purchase our most needed items for us (you can find them on our Amazon wish list). You can also sign up to Amazon Smile and chose us as your chosen charity to donate funds to us.

6- Create Your Own Event

Feel like a change of hairstyle? Turn your lockdown locks into a charitable event, ask friends and family to donate to our charity in your name. Managed to hone your banana bread baking skills during lockdown? Turn your love of baking into a charitable event by selling your cakes on Facebook to friends and family and donate the proceeds to the foodbank.

7- Teach Your Children About Foodbanks

Get the whole family involved by talking to your children about the importance of giving. Giving unwanted toys to the less fortunate or picking out a few tins of soup on the food shop to donate are small ways to raise a generation of givers.

8- Get active!

Wanting some motivation for fitness this feb? Joe Wicks just not doing it for you? Create your own fitness milestone in our name and fundraise for us. We’ve got an amazing initiative that we’re launching soon if you don’t want to do the planning part for yourself, keep an eye on our website and social media for when it launches- it’s worldwide! *hint hint*

9- Volunteer!

Currently we have no volunteers in because of COVID however when we open again we’ll need all the help we could get. Donate your time to help out those in need and gain some amazing friendships in the process. An hour would have such an impact!

10- Shop with us!

Shop on our Online Shop or Superstore to make a direct donation and gaining a treasure in return for an amazing price! We have gifts, furniture, essentials etc (anything under the sun? We’ve got it!). So drop by virtually or in person when we reopen!



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