After overcoming 2020 we should be breathing a sigh of relief however the charitable sector is predicted to have to deal with huge losses this financial year.
Figures predict that 50,000 charities will have to close this year due to financial hardships. This is scary as making a visual difference in the local community has been something that small charities have been able to do this year what with the unfortunate circumstances more people seem to have found themselves in. Having to close doors during a time when people need it most is not only damaging to the individuals being helped by these charities but the community as a whole.
Charities are also experiencing no access to government awarded emergency COVID grants which is having a huge impact on allowing businesses to stay open however the charitable sector seems to be overlooked frequently. Why?
We are also expecting a downturn in frequent giving. This is due to many reasons: the community having less money to give now everything has started to open and the sense of community felt especially during Lockdown 1 has unfortunately died down, and many more on top of the two we listed.
Please keep supporting your local charities during 2021/2022. You can regularly give or make a one off donation through our 'Donate To Us' button, you can purchase items on our online shop or in person at our charity superstore or keep

spreading the word. Thank you!