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Redkiln Donation Centre
Bric a brac donations can be dropped off at our warehouse Unit 1 Redkiln Close until 2pm
on the days we are open.
Food donations can be left in the trolley outside until 4pm.

Horsham Matters is a Christian charity that aims to demonstrate love of our neighbour by relieving hardship through the provision of essential services (food, fuel and shelter) in order to make a positive, long-lasting impact on people's lives.
Our foodbank is 10 years old

When it began in 2014, the foodbank provided 119 individual food parcels a month - currently it is providing 800 individual food parcels a month.
We are marking this milestone with a range of awareness events. We will not be celebrating our 10 years as our aim is to end the need for foodbanks, but we will be sharing how our foodbank has developed during the last 10 years.
Our foodbank needs the following items as of 27 February
Tinned or Instant potatoes
Tinned fish
Long-life custard
Long-life milk
Long-life non dairy milk
Thank you for your support

“When I have felt like I had nothing or no-one, Horsham Matters has been there. They have saved my family’s Christmas and stopped my children from going hungry in the school holidays. Horsham Matters makes me feel safe and have guided me, not to just survive, but to live and improved my situation. This will be our first Christmas we will be able to enjoy without worry. Horsham Matters has been my hero”

Horsham District Foodbank

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